
handcrafted wool felt area rugs


Ancient Technology
Our rugs are made by hand and by foot according to traditional methods. Feltmaking is considered the oldest textile technology. It requires only a few tools:  a “mother rug” to felt inside of, a stick, a watering can, and a hand broom. But the primary tool is the feltmaker’s own body. With dance-like steps we kick the rug back and forth across the workspace, and then throw it and roll it rhythmically until the loose fibers of wool condense into a strong, cohesive fabric. To watch our rug-making process click on the video below.


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Enduring Quality
Felt is durable and easy to maintain. It resists staining and odor and almost never needs to be cleaned. Because of its entirely homogeneous structure it does not fray and is highly resilient to deterioration. Unlike woven or looped rugs in which constant wear causes yarn breakage, weak spots, and holes, even if the surface of a felt rug wears away over the years, the fibers below it remain intact and the fabric remains as strong and beautiful as when it was new. Felt is used in musical instruments, and professional buffering systems, as well as in industrial machinery, to absorb sound and shock. If you want to instill tranquility in your interiors, felt rugs are an obvious choice.